The practice of Hypnosis or trance goes back thousand of years. In Egypt they had Sleep temples and later the Greeks had the Snake temples where trance was part of the healing process. King Edward the Confessor in the eleventh century brought about healing through suggestibility. Hypnosis then went quiet until the seventeen hundreds in Vienna when Maximilian Hell started blood letting and incorporated his idea of magnetism into the healing process. The modern father of hypnosis, Franz Mesmer came on the scene in Europe and was influential in the spread of mesmerism in healing people. Bernheim and Liebeault the Frenchmen kept the flag flying in Europe as did the surgeon Dr James Braid in Scotland who adopted the term Hypnosis - Nervous Sleep to describe the trance state. The Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud had a small stint as a poor hypnotherapist and became the father of psychoanalysis. Dr Esdaile had performed over three hundred operations in India using hypnosis, but failed to convince the Royal School of Medicine in London of its medical importance. In the USA, Professor Hull at Yale University gave scientific credibility to hypnosis and Dave Elman had popularised hypnosis and was training doctors and dentists in the use of dental hypnosis for medical purposes by the late nineteen fifties. The best of the America Hypnotists was Dr Milton Erikson a trained Psychiatrist, who left psychiatry to practice hypnotherapy. He was modelled by Richard Bandler, John Grinder and Frank Pucelik, founders of NLP in the late nineteen seventies. Hypnosis has continued to grow from strength to strength all over the world and is accepted in the Medical field from the mid nineteen fifties as a valid form of therapy. Likewise the Catholic Church has accepted its credibility for the past seventy years. Hypnosis is rapidly expanding as a complimentary approach to health and wellbeing in the 21st century.
Myths about Hypnosis:
It is NOT Sleep
It is NOT a loss of control
It is NOT a portal for spiritual possession
It is NOT that the client is under the spell or control of the therapist
It is NOT true that the client cannot regain conscious awareness (stuck in hypnosis)
What is Hypnosis then?
It IS a focused altered conscious awareness
It IS a process of a fully utilised imagination
It IS a state of heightened suggestibility
It IS experienced as deep relaxation and/or
It IS experienced as day dreaming
It IS a natural occurrence
It IS safe as all hypnosis is self-hypnosis
It IS a proven process to bring about lasting change
It IS a process that everyone can engage in except for those with physical brain damage
It IS the way you can become the best version of you, easily and effortlessly
Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon that we all experience daily. We go in and out of trance at least seven or eight times per day. It is a safe modality to bring about lasting change. Parts Therapy is particularly useful when there is internal conflict often leading to confusion, a lack of direction and a feeling of being stuck. Hypnosis allows the sub-conscious mind to be engaged and through suggestions, find ways for the conscious and sub-conscious mind to be aligned and focused on achieving positive results through changing limiting belief patterns.
Eriksonian Hypnotherapy is a way of doing hypnotherapy in a conversational manner that allows trance to be obtained through natural communication. This gentle approach of Milton Erikson as a medical doctor who practised hypnotherapy is so client centred that his approach has been referred to as conversational hypnotherapy. This approach also lends itself to doing hypnotherapy with families and groups and even with large groups of employees within organisations or sports teams.
Natalie and I find ourselves being called upon more and more to do a large amount of hypnotherapy where people are wanting to break old negative habits, change limiting belief systems, set positive goals and enjoy good health and living a passionate life. We volunteer our services to SANPARK (SANCA) rehabilitation centre weekly to assist those suffering from addiction.
The Benefits of Hypnosis:
Hypnosis is a successful way to overcome, stress, bad habits, phobias, trauma, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, a lack of resilience, personal and group conflict.
Under the ABOUT US section you will find a whole list of issues that can be dealt with using Hypnosis (Please go back and read them).